Saturday, December 2, 2006

Religion, what is it good for?

Organized religion is the root of all evil. In fact, it creates evil so it can exist. Evil creates fear, fear creates frightened people who are looking for something to save them, these people build churches and preach about fear so that their flocks stay true to them. What a scam!!

It is strange that the puritans burned witches because they supposedly practiced supernatural rituals. And what is Chistianity and other beliefs in dogma? That's right, a supernatural ritual. I mean really, how could anybody in this modern age believe in such nonsense? Witches and other nonbelievers have all been persecuted through the centuries because their realistic look at life was a real threat to organized religion.

Many religious leaders start wars, prey on young boys, bully nonbelievers. All of them spew totally unbelievable tales from the pulpit.

Check out Richard Dawkins book, The God Delusion, and Sam Harris' book, A Letter To A Christian Nation. Even believers would find their faith unbelievable and worthless after reading such great writings.

Commonsense; compassion (free of all dogmatic baggage) for every living thing on Earth; facts; and no religious labels; these are the things that will save our Planet from these religious nutcakes.

Until next time,

Commonsense Guy

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