Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Here is a great editorial from the Buzzflash folks:

Published on BuzzFlash (http://www.buzzflash.com/articles)
Bush Taking his Sweet Time to Change Iraq Plan, Totally Oblivious that People are Dying While he Waits
Created 12/04/2006 - 2:21pm
With civilians and our soldiers dying daily, George Bush has finally agreed we need a new Iraq strategy. Even Donald Rumsfeld allegedly wrote to Bush of the need for "a major adjustment" because "clearly, what U.S. forces are currently doing in Iraq is not working well enough or fast enough." But Bush is holding back on actually making any changes for the foreseeable future; National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley said a decision will not be made [1] for weeks.
Bush and Hadley have said they need to weigh all the options and listen to all the advice before doing anything. WHAT!? WHERE HAVE THESE IDIOTS BEEN THE LAST FOUR YEARS? Countless people (all of them outside of the Administration, of course) stressed the need for a plan before the invasion, and even more have offered advice, suggestions, and strategies on what to do ever since the war began. Just check "the Google." [2]
Given his philosophy that we can't lose as long as we don't leave, Bush would love to stay in Iraq as long as possible in hopes that conditions improve, or at least become his successor's problem. Reality has caught up to him enough that he has to do something, but there are no good options for him. He does not have enough support to maintain the status quo or add more troops, but he also does not want to lose face by cutting troops. So now he is simply stalling while people are dyingUnlike most information, Bush can't claim ignorance about redeployment strategies: he has directly opposed them to promote his own agenda. Now that Bush's own handpicked Iraq commission and outgoing Secretary of Defense are offering the same suggestions as Democrats, even delayed action would be far too little, too late.Unfortunately, George Bush is the only person who can change the course in Iraq (unless Congress commits the politically difficult act of withdrawing military funding). By saying he is definitely going to change his failed strategy - but not right now - every pending casualty until the shift will be for absolutely nothing.Asking someone to die for your mistake is bad enough. Asking them to die while you make up your mind on how to fix your mistake is even worse.
Source URL:http://www.buzzflash.com/articles/articles/analysis/151
Links:[1] http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/12/03/hadley/index.html[2] http://thinkprogress.org/2006/10/23/bush-says-he-uses-the-google

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