Friday, December 22, 2006

Can you believe this s#!t?

Robin Hayes says we will win in Iraq by "spreading the message of Jesus Christ" there.
Submitted by LiberalNC on Wed, 12/20/2006 - 8:27pm. ::
Robin Hayes has the solution to the Iraq war: have our soldiers convert all Muslims to Christianity.Having won the election by only a hair’s width and almost getting himself kicked out of Congress seems to have had some profound psychological effects on poor Mr. Hayes. A speech that flip-floppin’ Robin gave last week at the Concord Rotary Club seems to prove he has finally gone off the deep end.
Our local weekly newspaper the “Concord Standard and Mount Pleasant Times” reported on Mr. Hayes speech in his hometown:
First there’s the usual talk of how we’re “winning” over there:“The war in Iraq has got to be won; it’s being won”(A couple of months ago Hayes said that the rise in violence in Iraq was an indication that we’re winning.)
Then comes the real kicker:“Stability in Iraq ultimately depends on spreading the message of Jesus Christ, the message of peace on earth, good will towards men. Everything depends on everyone learning about the birth of the Savior.”So if we just turn our soldiers into missionaries everything will be okay, Mr. Hayes?First we sent our men over there to take out the WMD’s, then it was to “spread democracy”, now you want them there to “spread the message of Jesus Christ”?It so happens that people in Iraq already have a savior but unfortunately for Mr. Hayes it’s Muhammed, not Jesus.If we can’t keep Muslims from killing each other over there, I don’t think that trying to make them all Christian is going to be any easier.
With this kind of talk Hayes just plays into the hands of Al-Qaeda by confirming what their leaders have always been saying: those American soldiers are just modern Crusaders. He is thereby strengthening the beliefs of terrorists that want to kill every American soldier they come across.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Here is a great editorial from our local paper

Religious Right is acting like the Roman Empire
WASHINGTON - Only America's Religious Right is able to find controversy where it does not exist. There is nothing more anti-Christmas than forcing American businesses and employees to say Merry Christmas. And only in consumerism-run-amok America is it important to force retail workers who make minimum wage to wish every shopper, "Merry Christmas."

Humbug to those phony Christians who think Christmas is all about minimum-wage employees uttering vapid niceties to gluttonous shoppers in mega-store foyers and checkout lanes!
If the Religious Righteous wants to demonstrate their commitment to the Christmas spirit, let them start by boycotting the big-box retailers who refuse to pay their workers a living wage and family-sustainable benefits. The Religious Right, in its zeal to make every American conform to a specified form of speech during Christmas, is not much different than the Roman Empire requiring its citizens to say "Hail Caesar!" or the Third Reich requiring Germans to greet one another by uttering "Heil Hitler!"
Grinch-like conservatives take the meaning and spirit of "merry" and "Christmas" out of "Merry Christmas" by making its use mandatory and branding those who refuse to conform as "anti-American" and "anti-Christian."
But hang a wreath on your home in the shape of a peace symbol as one woman recently did in Loma Linda, Colo., and the Christmas zeal soon disappears among the Religious Right. The Colorado subdivision resident was threatened with a huge fine by her homeowners association for displaying what they considered to be an "anti-American" and "Satanic" wreath. After the case was reported around the world, the crusaders for Christian subdivision covenants backed down.
Much of the phony debate about the phony "War on Christmas" is led by broadcasting right-wing inciters like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Last year, the Catholic League, the heirs of Father Charles Coughlin, the suburban Detroit radio-ranter in the 1930s, threatened boycotts of Target, Wal-Mart, Macy's and other stores unless they put up "Merry Christmas" banners.
It is all part of the neo-conservative Newspeak.
Confused? Of course you are; that is part of the right wing's program of dividing and conquering our nation. The Religious Right is combining its own jaded brand of Christianity with a perverted notion of American patriotism to create a dangerous religious-political mutation that transforms the U.S. flag, a unitary presidency, Jesus and Christmas into right-wing political symbols.
When America's founders created the United States of America two and a half centuries ago, Christmas was not a major holiday. Only rampant commercialization turned it into the consumerist monstrosity it is today.
Like the Pledge of Allegiance and American flag lapel pins, Christmas has been co-opted by the right for their own nefarious purposes. Companies should allow their employees the latitude to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hannukah" or "Allahu Akbar" or "Happy Kwanzaa."
We are after all - and always have been - "a nation of nations" rather than a religious state.
Meanwhile, for those who celebrate Christmas, they should have a very merry Yuletide without the pressure to have one from a nasty group of political opportunists and rabble rousers who know nothing about the true meaning of Christmas. Allowing a movement that does not believe in free speech to censor the rest of us in the name of their own religion is not what America is all about.
The Founding Fathers would have been appalled. And they certainly would have agreed with William Shakespeare's observation in "The Tempest": "Oh, brave new world that has such people in it."
Wayne Madsen is a contributing writer for the liberal Online Journal ( ). Readers can write to him c/o National Press Club, Front Desk, 529 14th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20045.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Bush/Blair Press Conference today

Bush hasn't learned anything since the midterm elections. The American people clearly asked for a change in direction in regards to Iraq. Bush refuses to listen, or take new ideas. He sounded like a real brat during the press conference today. He definitely does not care about the citizenry of the USA, or what the bipartisan commission advises. This is one more reason he has to go, before he and his compadres do more damage. Write your congress person and tell them that Bush has to go. Tell them that he is a detriment to our country and to the world. We need leaders who will listen and who will accept change.

Until next time.......

The Commonsense Guy

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Here is a great editorial from the Buzzflash folks:

Published on BuzzFlash (
Bush Taking his Sweet Time to Change Iraq Plan, Totally Oblivious that People are Dying While he Waits
Created 12/04/2006 - 2:21pm
With civilians and our soldiers dying daily, George Bush has finally agreed we need a new Iraq strategy. Even Donald Rumsfeld allegedly wrote to Bush of the need for "a major adjustment" because "clearly, what U.S. forces are currently doing in Iraq is not working well enough or fast enough." But Bush is holding back on actually making any changes for the foreseeable future; National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley said a decision will not be made [1] for weeks.
Bush and Hadley have said they need to weigh all the options and listen to all the advice before doing anything. WHAT!? WHERE HAVE THESE IDIOTS BEEN THE LAST FOUR YEARS? Countless people (all of them outside of the Administration, of course) stressed the need for a plan before the invasion, and even more have offered advice, suggestions, and strategies on what to do ever since the war began. Just check "the Google." [2]
Given his philosophy that we can't lose as long as we don't leave, Bush would love to stay in Iraq as long as possible in hopes that conditions improve, or at least become his successor's problem. Reality has caught up to him enough that he has to do something, but there are no good options for him. He does not have enough support to maintain the status quo or add more troops, but he also does not want to lose face by cutting troops. So now he is simply stalling while people are dyingUnlike most information, Bush can't claim ignorance about redeployment strategies: he has directly opposed them to promote his own agenda. Now that Bush's own handpicked Iraq commission and outgoing Secretary of Defense are offering the same suggestions as Democrats, even delayed action would be far too little, too late.Unfortunately, George Bush is the only person who can change the course in Iraq (unless Congress commits the politically difficult act of withdrawing military funding). By saying he is definitely going to change his failed strategy - but not right now - every pending casualty until the shift will be for absolutely nothing.Asking someone to die for your mistake is bad enough. Asking them to die while you make up your mind on how to fix your mistake is even worse.
Source URL:

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Religion, what is it good for?

Organized religion is the root of all evil. In fact, it creates evil so it can exist. Evil creates fear, fear creates frightened people who are looking for something to save them, these people build churches and preach about fear so that their flocks stay true to them. What a scam!!

It is strange that the puritans burned witches because they supposedly practiced supernatural rituals. And what is Chistianity and other beliefs in dogma? That's right, a supernatural ritual. I mean really, how could anybody in this modern age believe in such nonsense? Witches and other nonbelievers have all been persecuted through the centuries because their realistic look at life was a real threat to organized religion.

Many religious leaders start wars, prey on young boys, bully nonbelievers. All of them spew totally unbelievable tales from the pulpit.

Check out Richard Dawkins book, The God Delusion, and Sam Harris' book, A Letter To A Christian Nation. Even believers would find their faith unbelievable and worthless after reading such great writings.

Commonsense; compassion (free of all dogmatic baggage) for every living thing on Earth; facts; and no religious labels; these are the things that will save our Planet from these religious nutcakes.

Until next time,

Commonsense Guy

Dump Bush now!!

This is my first posting so I am going to let it fly....This guy(Bush) is the worst prez ever. Even heads of state are avoiding him. He has no capital whatsoever and should be removed. This (the USA) is a great country which deserves much better, the world deserves better. Bush is a lame duck anyway, so impeach the b%^$tard.

The list is long:

His use of religion in policy is scary and unconstitutional.

Putting our soldiers in harms way for what? Lining his buddies pockets?

This administration doesn't care about the environment, they don't care what they leave their grandchildren.

The economy, self explanatory.

Rove, self explanatory.

The list goes on, but I will leave it there for now.

More rants to come, stay tuned........

Commonsense Guy